Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday claimed American taxpayers have a “moral duty” to defend Ukraine’s eastern border from invasion by giving aid to the nation.
In a New York Times op-ed published while the secretary visited the nation, Yellen said the American support “is motivated, first and foremost, by a moral duty to come to the aid of a people under attack.”
American lawmakers have so far earmarked more than $110 billion of taxpayer funds to defend the border against a Russian invasion.
“Our work is not over. In fact, it is more vital than ever that we continue supporting the Ukrainians,” she continued. “Ukraine’s military resistance depends on a government that can function effectively, as well as a stable economy that can help finance defense efforts over the long term. By fortifying the ‘home front,’ our economic assistance is helping make possible Ukraine’s stalwart frontline defense against Russia.”
In addition to funding Ukraine’s defense, the Biden administration has imposed approximately 1,500 new and 750 amended sanctions and export controls against Russia, the State Department estimates.
While championing the defense of Ukraine’s border, Yellen’s op-ed made no mention of the U.S. southern border invasion, instead, she proclaimed the money spent on Ukraine’s border miles away from the continental U.S. would match “our commitment to our ideals — and our capacity to see in others the same desires that animated our own struggles for freedom and justice.”
Approximately 300,000 illegal migrants have slipped past U.S. border patrol and into the interior since the beginning of fiscal 2023. In fiscal year 2022, about two million migrants were encountered by the border patrol.